Ice Will Reveal was published by Hadley Rille Books in November 2012. It is my first novel. See below for sample chapters, cover art and plot synopsis. Big thanks go to my early supporters, who pre-ordered copies of the book through my "Get 1/Give 1" Kickstarter campaign and made it possible for me to print 100 extra copies to give away at the 2012 World Fantasy Convention in Toronto. They are listed here on this separate thank you page.

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Sample the first two chapters of Ice Will Reveal by clicking here to read online!


Here is the cover design for Ice Will Reveal:



Here is the plot synopsis of Ice Will Reveal

(It's not easy squeezing the plot of a whole novel into a few paragraphs, but do be aware that here there be spoilers)

Siblings Whisper and Jarrod Thornn may have been raised in the same place, but they couldn't have turned out more differently. Both grew up in the ancient graystone city of Mycea, in the orphanage run by the powerful Holy Temple of Ahnweh, the One Goddess. But devout, law-abiding Jarrod stayed at the Temple, becoming a sword-wielding Temple Guardian, while restless, roguish Whisper abandoned the Temple the day she came of age, after finagling an apprenticeship to a wealthy information broker. For years, sister and brother have rarely seen each other--but all that is about to change as their disparate paths come together in ways neither would ever have expected.

On one side of the city, Whisper lives a luxurious lifestyle, honing her skills in disguise, theft, seduction and information gathering while continually trying to prove herself to her demanding mistress, Mins Delacorr. Finally, Mins gives Whisper a juicy solo assignment with a fat reward: seduce a reclusive sorcerer in order to swipe an obscure artifact in his possession. It is an artifact that the Temple wants badly enough to pay handsomely for without asking questions, and a job Whisper wants badly enough to take solo, without asking why Mins wouldn't do it herself.

Whisper succeeds in her unexpectedly dangerous assignment, but she and her mistress are ambushed by a rival gang as they attempt to deliver their artifact. Mins is seized but Whisper makes it away with the artifact. Whisper is faced with a choice: turn in the artifact for the reward and take off, or save her kidnapped mistress from a hostage's piecemeal death by enlisting the help of an old enemy. She decides to save her mistress, but after victory is reversed by double-cross, Whisper finds herself alone and hunted, with the Temple she rejected now her best refuge.

On the other side of the city, her brother Jarrod and several companions are sent away by the Temple to investigate a breach in the 300 year-old magical boundary that has protected Mycea and the surrounding lands from the remains of an ancient apocalypse called the Blight. Jarrod is being tested--the Holy Temple thinks that Jarrod is the Foretold of prophecy, the Promised One who will find and use Ahnweh's lost Cauldron to help heal the land and turn the distant Goddess' face back to Her people.

But not everyone agrees that Jarrod is the Foretold, and even earnest, devoted Jarrod is unsure of his fitness for the role. Is Yonenn, the young priestess from a heretic cult who travels with Jarrod, the "real" Foretold? Events seem to favor Yonenn over Jarrod--until Yonenn is killed during a surprise attack by a group of twisted, life-sucking wraiths at the edge of the Blighted Lands. Jarrod and his remaining companions must flee back to Mycea and the Temple with their news that the breach in the Boundary is real and purposeful. A larger evil lurks behind the Boundary--and that evil has the Cauldron.

Whisper and Jarrod's paths converge back at the Temple and continue together towards a final, fateful encounter at the Boundary around the Blighted Lands. Hidden agendas come to a head and the lives of both brother and sister are irrevocably changed. Each must decide whether to accept or reject the destiny that events have laid upon them: Jarrod as the Foretold who will find and use the Cauldron, and Whisper as the Goddess' first direct conduit in 300 years.

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